Myopia Management

Smiths Opticians est. 1985

Effective Myopia Management Solutions

Myopia is rapidly becoming more prevalent in this country, developing in children as young as six years old. The severity of myopia (how high the prescription is) tends to increase over time, meaning a stronger prescription is required and there is an increase in the risk of some eye diseases later in life. The earlier myopia develops, the more it is likely to progress. There is also a strong link between myopia in parents and their children.

Research has shown that the rate of progression (or increase) of myopia can be slowed with several different methods. The aim of these treatments is to slow progression so that the resulting stabilised prescription when the child reaches adulthood is significantly lower than it would have been without intervention. Looking for your local opticians Manchester?

At Smiths Opticians, we currently offer the following options for myopia management

SOFT CONTACT LENSES: We fit and supply MiSight one-day soft contact lenses which have been clinically proven to slow the progression of myopia by around 59%. For more information see here.

Spectacle lenses for myopia management: Special Lenses that allow light to stimulate certain areas of the eye to allow clear vision and slow eyeball growth at the same time. We dispense MioSmart lenses. For more information see here.

You can find further information on Myopia and treatment here.